GPSIP getting internet to the most remote and poorest of the poor

Please leave comments about standards already there for the technology I describe and don't compete cooperate and leave me know if you are interested in getting involved. On hindsight these ideas are primative and should have been done 50 years ago compared to modern telecoms but if there is nothing better there may still be room for these ideas.

Radio hacking options

Firstly the can use an io pin with a wire connected to it as a radio transmitter using gnu radio.

Its a total hack using a square pwm pulse width modulated signal rather than a clean sine wave this generates interference at harmonic frequencies.

Its range at FM is only 50 meters, this could be greatly increased using ham radio frequencies and a simple amplifier.

A software defined radio dongle for as little as 20 euro on alibaba can be used to receive signals.

For something more advanced a HackRF about 180 euro from alibaba can be used.

This could transmit 50 miles at low frequencies.

Low tech ways to request radio in primative locations.

Send by morse code using a flashlight morse code SOS Phone Tribe leader name secret signature possibly based on date depending on the Tribe leaders name.

This could be used to request need of a phone by a primative chief over 20 miles away by smoke signal.

SOS FI by morse code can be used to request wifi internet access by sateillite phone.

This could be done over long wave on a udp packet direct from the raspberry pi random times approx every 15 minutes. Also a single udp packet could transmit 10 short emails. This can have a md5sum to verify as well as the udp checksum and it can be transmitted multiple times and the receiver can vote if it received a signal directly. network per primative county could host the remotest of the remote raspberry pi networks.

Low bandwidth email.

A single satellite or normal modern smartphone could serve 10 remote villages with email access.

A runner or town hailer could request the phone.

A single raspberry pi or even smartphone with appropriate software is quite capable of hosting 1000 email accounts provided plain text is mostly used on Thunderbird email client. The terminal commands sudo root to gain superuser access on the raspberry pi, adduser, and sudo login are important for creating multiple email accounts and accessing them on the raspberry pi, during testing I wasn't able to get thunderbird up on another user without logging out from xwindows I tried export DISPLAY= and sudo xhost + to no avail. A full logout from xwindows to change users is neccessary but i suppose this is good in case a person with nasty hacking intentions is on the poor Tribal chiefs raspberry pi.

These can be typed up on the remote chiefs raspberry pi computer connected to his tv when solar power is available and the battery driving the raspberry pi is charged.

Once a week email access is quite adequete for most people.

GPS IP request packet formats

GPSIP ,latitude  longtitude, requester name, WIFI or PHONE, Signature. This packet can be transmitted over udp to request a device. 

The internet can be delivered via project loon a person with a phone or something like drone delivery.


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