Muel mail and internet

I am making muel email and internet using gps protocol for the poor in Africa, delivery is done by carrying mail folders by phone or solid state disk from places without internet to a site with free wifi internet connection, the entire worthwhile internet can be delivered  by in a carry on bag full of solid state disks on a cheap commercial flight, a carrier pigeon can deliver 1 terabyte of email. High latency high throughput. Google add support for google searches via email sending back 3 web pages of results and files or i will have to kludge it. 

If you think starlink can't be beaten maybe it can, if abaquerre warp drive

 gets developed we can go back in time the worlds experiences can be delivered to people in the past via RNA which stores memories or using nuralink or simply by projecting images onto a wall with a projector from the solid state disks this is possibly how psychadellics work.


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